'Major storm' to sweep across Ireland tomorrow

A "major storm" will sweep across Ireland tomorrow and Thursday causing structural damage and flooding, Met Eireann said today…

A "major storm" will sweep across Ireland tomorrow and Thursday causing structural damage and flooding, Met Eireann said today.

Winds are expected to reach average speeds of 45 to 55 mph. with gusts of up to 80 mph.

"Rainfall totals in excess of 50 mm over a wide area will lead to some severe flooding, and some parts of Munster and Leinster could see totals of up to 80 mm of rain. High seas and high tides, will lead to coastal flooding, particularly in the South and East of the country," Met Eireann said in a severe weather alert.

The National Safety Council (NSC) advised road users to take extra care when travelling.


The NSC said such conditions will result in hazardous driving conditions with fallen debris on roads, flooding of roads and reduced driver visibility from heavy rainfall.

Drivers are advised to watch out for falling and fallen debris and vehicles veering across the road. They are also advised not to cross flooded roads unless absolutely necessary and to obey all signs closing roads to traffic for their own safety.

Pedestrians and cyclists are advised to wear bright clothes to be seen, if a journey is necessary.
All road users are being advised to:

  • Listen to the news and weather broadcasts before making any journey
  • If conditions are very bad, avoid making the journey unless it is absolutely necessary.
  • If you have to make the journey tell someone at your destination what time you expect to arrive
Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times