Landfill extension plan opposed by residents

Plans to extend the largest landfill facility in the mid-west are being opposed by residents in west Limerick, who claim it will…

Plans to extend the largest landfill facility in the mid-west are being opposed by residents in west Limerick, who claim it will destroy their community.

Limerick County Council is seeking to compulsorily acquire more than 100 acres to allow it to construct a landfill extension at Gortnadromma landfill, 25 miles from Limerick city. This would give it the capacity to accept two million tonnes of waste over the landfill's lifetime.

The existing landfill has only two years before it runs out of capacity. The proposed extension would have the same annual licensed capacity of 130,000 tonnes as the existing site.

Mr Tim Mullane, of the Gortnadromma Landfill Action Group, said yesterday that if the council got the go-ahead for the extension it would be a death knell for the community as up to 12 families might move out.


"It will destroy the community," Mr Mullane said.

The council has already lodged a waste licence application with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for the extension. It has lodged a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) application and planning application with An Bord Pleanála.

Residents are set to clash with the council over its plans at a week-long hearing into the CPO and the planning application, beginning in Limerick city next Tuesday.

Mr Mullane said that residents were retaining a barrister and solicitor to argue their case.

"We are totally disgusted with what the council is proposing. We want our lives back, and life put back into the community. This process is our last chance to close the dump down, and we have no choice but to vigorously contest the council's plan. Our homes will be worthless if the council's extension goes ahead."

Mr Mullane said that the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)failed to address the impact on property values as a result of an extension, and failed to address the issue of site selection.

"To our knowledge, the council has not examined any alternatives."

He added that "the EIS ignores the poor operational performance of the existing facility and its present impact on the local community".

The Gortnadromma site accepts waste from Clare and north Tipperary households through private waste contractors. The council's plan involves a waste disposal area of 47 acres and a buffer zone of 55 acres.

The EIS submitted with the application states that "if the proposed mitigation measures outlined in the EIS are implemented, then the overall impact of the proposed extension will not have a significant impact in and around Gortnadromma landfill".

A decision by An Bord Pleanála on the council's plans is due on January 10th.

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan

Gordon Deegan is a contributor to The Irish Times