Irishman drowns off Brighton

THE DEPARTMENT of Foreign Affairs is providing assistance to the family of an Irishman who drowned while attending a stag party…

THE DEPARTMENT of Foreign Affairs is providing assistance to the family of an Irishman who drowned while attending a stag party in Brighton on Saturday.

A spokesman said one of the man's friends had contacted the Irish Embassy in London after the incident on Saturday evening.

Rory Kelly from Maynooth, Co Kildare, was one of 14 people at the stag party in the southern English seaside town.

The British Maritime and Coast Guard Agency said Mr Kelly, who was in his early 30s, died after he went for a swim in the sea near Brighton's famous Palace Pier. He got into difficulties in the water and the efforts of two lifeguards and one of his friends to rescue him were defeated by high seas and dangerous currents. He was pronounced dead at the Royal Sussex County Hospital Brighton.


Solent Coast Guard watch manager Mike O'Sullivan said: "This was supposed to have been an enjoyable event but it rapidly turned to tragedy as one of the party got into difficulties after deciding to go for a swim in atrocious sea conditions."

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times