Irishman dies in fall from German hotel window

German police in Wiesbaden are investigating the death of an Irishman who fell out a hotel window yesterday morning.

German police in Wiesbaden are investigating the death of an Irishman who fell out a hotel window yesterday morning.

David Ryan (25), from Clonmel, Co Tipperary, was one of six people questioned but not charged in connection with the shooting of Eoin Cahill in Kilganey, near Clonmel, in April 2006.

A police spokesman said Mr Ryan was "considerably intoxicated" when he fell out of a third-floor window at 7.50am yesterday.

A witness saw the man hanging from the window balustrade before he fell to his death, but the police spokesman said the exact circumstances in which he had fallen were not clear.


Two other Irish men in the room at the time were questioned by police and released.

They checked out of the hotel yesterday.

A postmortem will be carried out this morning. Mr Ryan's family were on their way to Wiesbaden, the spokesman said.

Gardaí suspected that Mr Ryan was one of two masked gunmen who last April burst into a bungalow in Kilganey, 2½ miles from Clonmel.

The men were armed with shotguns and shot Mr Cahill (25) at close range, killing him instantly.

No charge was brought against Mr Ryan and the investigation is ongoing.

Up to 15 people were at the party in the bungalow at the time of the shooting. A party guest, Mark Doolan (36), was wounded in the arm as he struggled with one of the raiders.

Derek Scally

Derek Scally

Derek Scally is an Irish Times journalist based in Berlin