'Irish Catholic' criticises Dr Martin

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has been criticised in the Irish Catholic newspaper for his handling of the controversy surrounding…

Archbishop Diarmuid Martin has been criticised in the Irish Catholic newspaper for his handling of the controversy surrounding Cardinal Desmond Connell's legal case over privileged documents.

An editorial in the latest edition of the paper said: "For the last week, Cardinal Connell has been painted as the bad old face of the church versus the new 'can do' persona of Archbishop Diarmuid Martin. Cardinal Connell has remained silent, Archbishop Martin has not," it said.

"In fact, he went as far as implying that Cardinal Connell was interfering in his ministry and that the Cardinal was not well. The Cardinal is quite well, having suffered a slight fracture after a fall on some steps in Rome. And he is not interfering but standing behind what he sees as what is right, legal and just."

It speculated that "a breakdown in communication happened between the Archdiocese and Cardinal Connell."


In a separate news story, the paper claimed Cardinal Connell "is trying to protect the confidentiality agreements he entered into with victims and some priests".

It said: "it is believed that several abuse victims approached Cardinal Connell when he was Archbishop of Dublin and confided in him on the condition of strict confidentiality. These victims had continued with their lives and didn't want to be part of any Garda or health service inquiries, but wanted the Archbishop to know what had happened to them. The Cardinal is also concerned about priests who were accused of abuse but whose cases have been left in a legal limbo or who have been accused but not convicted."

The paper said that in October 2006, on a visit to Rome, "the Cardinal said he would risk prosecution and was prepared if necessary to go to jail rather than breach the confidentiality of the files."

Last night, the Dublin Archdiocese said Archbishop Martin did not wish to comment on the Irish Catholic. It verified that the archbishop had provided to the commission all documents relevant to its investigation, including those where there is a claim of privilege and which related to insurance.

It confirmed "that Archbishop Martin informed Cardinal Connell of his intentions and motivations with regard to the legally privileged documents."

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times