Warmer weather forecast from Wednesday

‘Above-normal’ temperatures expected from mid week

The weather is set to change this week, with warmer temperatures forecast from Wednesday.

Joanna Donnelly, meteorologist with Met Éireann, said the country would witness temperatures rising until Wednesday, after which we can expect at least a few days of sunnier and drier conditions, with temperatures reaching the high teens in some areas.

She said today would be a “replay” of yesterday’s weather with sunny spells and mostly light winds, with temperatures tomorrow “creeping back to normal values” for this time of year.

From midweek onwards we can expect sunnier and drier conditions, although those in the northwest can expect periods of patchy drizzle. “Temperatures will be above normal from Wednesday whereas they have been below normal up to now,” she said.


It is likely to be cloudy for a time on Thursday, with some light rain in places.

However, drier and brighter weather is expected in the second half of the day with temperatures of up to 18 degrees expected in some southern areas.