No problem recruiting and retaining nurses, pay report finds

Public Service Pay Commission says there are difficulties hiring hospital consultants

The Public Service Pay Commission report was considered by Cabinet in Tuesday and is expected to be published today.
The Public Service Pay Commission report was considered by Cabinet in Tuesday and is expected to be published today.

There is no generalised problem in recruiting and retaining nurses and midwives, the Public Service Pay Commission has found.

However, the review said difficulties existed in meeting workforce requirements in specific areas.

The commission also found there was a general difficulty in recruiting hospital consultants.

It said certain locations and specialties were experiencing significant problems.


The commission report also said promotional opportunities and training impacted on the turnover of non-consultant doctors in hospitals.

The Public Service Pay Commission has been asked by Government to examine recruitment and retention problems in the health sector.

The report was considered by Cabinet in Tuesday and is expected to be published later on Tuesday.

Nursing unions had argued that increased pay levels were needed to address difficulties in hiring and retaining staff.

The report is not expected to back across-the-board pay increases . However, it is likely to support improved allowances in some areas.

‘Multifactorial difficulties’

The commission said it was not persuaded, based on the evidence available, that current pay arrangements were in themselves, a significant impediment to recruitment. The commission said remuneration was not the main issue impacting on the recruitment and retention where difficulties exist.

“It is apparent to the commission that where some recruitment and retention difficulties have been identified the causes of such difficulties are multifactorial.

“Current pay rates do not appear to be unduly affecting the number of nurses, midwives and doctors applying to work abroad.

“In practice, increasing pay may or may not be the most effective option for an employer that wishes to attract more staff.”

The commission, however, recommended there was a case for providing additional incentives for qualified nurses and midwives to remain in the public system. It said these should be targeted at those who acquired additional qualifications and those who accrued long continuous service.

It suggested that existing location and specialist qualification allowances be increased by 20 per cent and these be extended to maternity services.

The Minister for Public Expenditure Paschal Donohoe said the targeted measures proposed by the Pay Commission would cost €20 million to implement.

Martin Wall

Martin Wall

Martin Wall is the former Washington Correspondent of The Irish Times. He was previously industry correspondent