Man (24) dies after scrambler hits tree in Co Cork

Stephen O’Callaghan from Tower area was part of a group riding on woodland track

The young man was among a number of scrambler enthusiasts when he was fatally injured. File photograph: Getty

Gardaí are investigating the death of a 24-year-old man who collided with a tree along a scrambler track in Co Cork on Saturday night.

The man, named locally as Stephen O’Callaghan from Riverview Estate near Tower, was racing his motorcycle on a track between Tower and Blarney at the time.

He was one of two bike enthusiasts driving along the unofficial 1km scrambler track which runs through woodland from Paud’s Cross to Blarney.

It is understood that the other motorcyclist raised the alarm when he did not see the other rider having completed the course. He retraced his route and came across the injured man.


The two were among a groupof six, all in their 20s and from the Tower area, who gathered to use their bikes on the woodland track.

Ambulances came to the scene, some 9km from Cork city, but Mr O’Callaghan was pronounced dead and his body was later removed to Cork University Hospital for a postmortem. It is understood that the other motorbike enthusiasts present were left deeply traumatised by the incident.

Gardaí say they are treating Mr O’Callaghan’s death as “a tragic accident” and will prepare a file on his death for an inquest at the coroner’s court.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times