Four charged over €600,000 cannabis growhouse

Gardaí discovered growing facility in an industrial estate in Ballycurreen, Co Cork

Three men and a woman were charged with drug offences following the discovery by gardaí of a €600,000 cannabis growhouse in Co Cork. Photograph: PA

Three men and a woman have been charged with drug offences following the discovery by gardaí of a €600,000 cannabis growhouse in an industrial estate in Cork city at the weekend.

Lan Ngoc Le (49) of no fixed abode and Chen Yan (33) also of No Fixed Abode were each charged with three offences relating to the seizure of cannabis herb and plants on March 29th.

Both men are charged with possession of cannabis, possession of cannabis for sale or supply and cultivation of cannabis at Unit 7, South Link Business Park, Ballycurreen, Cork.

A third man, Gui Yu Yang (34) and a woman, Margaret Lee Wu (45) are charged with possession of cannabis and possession of cannabis for sale or supply at the same address.


Det Gda Jamie O’Riordan and Det Garda Eoin O’Toole gave evidence of arrest, charge and caution in relation to all four acccused who made no reply to any of the charges.

Insp Finbarr O'Sullivan said that gardai were seeking a remand in custody for both Mr Lee, a Vietnamese national, and Mr Yan, a Chinese national and neither man applied for bail.

Judge Leo Malone remanded both men in custody to appear again by video link at Cork District Court on Thursday, April 3rd for the DPP's directions.

Det Gda O'Riordan said gardaí had no objection to bail for Ms Wu, a mother of two from Tolka Vale, Finglas Road, Dublin 11, once certain bail conditions were met.

Judge Malone remanded Ms Wu on her own bail to appear again at Cork District Court on April 30th for the DPP’s directions on the matter.

He made it a condition of her bail that she reside at Linnetfields Green, Clonee, Dublin 15 and that she sign on daily at Blanchardstown Garda station.

He also made it a bail condition that she surrender passport and not leave Dublin city or county except for court appearances or legal consultations with gardaí to be notified of same.

He also made it a bail condition that she provide gardaí with a mobile telephone number with which they can contact her at any time and she agreed to abide by these terms.

Judge Malone remanded Mr Yu Yang on similar bail conditions to reside at Station Street, Clongriffin, Dublin 13 and to appear in court again on April 30th.

Judge Malone also granted legal aid for solicitor Frank Buttimer to represent Mr Ngoc Le and Ms Wu and to solicitor Eddie Burke to represent Mr Yu Yang and Mr Yan.

Barry Roche

Barry Roche

Barry Roche is Southern Correspondent of The Irish Times