Dublin’s Lord Mayor comes to rescue of fainting fireman

Oisín Quinn first on hand to help light-headed fireman at Impac annoucement

The president was delivering remarks on the Affordable Care Act, when a woman appeared close to fainting as she stood behind the U.S. President. "I got you. You're okay," Obama said to Allison, before she was escorted out of the Rose Garden.

Dublin’s Lord Mayor Oisín Quinn may have just had his Obama moment.

At an event in Pearse Street Library this morning, Quinn was one of the first to come to the aid of a fireman who appeared to faint during the proceedings.

Dublin’s first citizen had been attending the announcement of the longlist for the Impac Literary Award.

As Dublin City Librarian Margaret Hayes announced details of this year's nominees, one of three flag-bearing firemen, representatives of Dublin Fire Brigade, appeared to faint.


Quinn, who had just finished his own address, was one of the first to react, jumping up from his seat and rushing over to attend the man.

The fireman was later helped outside by colleagues for some fresh air before the proceedings continued.

A Dublin City Council spokesman later said the swooning fireman may have been feeling the effects of a busy night shift.

Last month, US president Barack Obama came to the aid of a pregnant woman who appeared to faint during one of his speeches on affordable healthcare at the White House.

“This happens when I talk too long,” Mr Obama later joked to the audience as the woman was escorted off by White House officials.