Coast Guard helps rescue 11 from sinking Spanish trawler

Rescue workers at Valentia receive Mayday from fishing trawler northwest of La Coruña

The Irish Coast Guard helped in the rescue of 11 crew members from the  sinking Novo Jundina trawler off the coast of Spain on Sunday night. File photograph: Bryan O’Brien/The Irish Times
The Irish Coast Guard helped in the rescue of 11 crew members from the sinking Novo Jundina trawler off the coast of Spain on Sunday night. File photograph: Bryan O’Brien/The Irish Times

The Irish Coast Guard helped in the rescue of 11 crew members from a sinking vessel off the coast of Spain on Sunday night.

Rescue workers at Valentia received a Mayday distress call from a fishing trawler at about 9pm.

Crew members sought an immediate evacuation, as the trawler was already sinking.

The distress call was relayed to Spanish authorities, who led the rescue of the Novo Jundina, which was located about 40 nautical miles northwest of La Coruña.


Spanish Helicopter Helimer 401 and rescue boat Salvamar Shaula also participated in the rescue and the 11 crew were airlifted to safety.

Rachel Flaherty

Rachel Flaherty

Rachel Flaherty is Digital Features Editor and journalist with The Irish Times