International Women's Day to focus on human rights abuses

The abuse of human rights, both in Ireland and abroad, is the focus of a number of events organised to mark International Women…

The abuse of human rights, both in Ireland and abroad, is the focus of a number of events organised to mark International Women's Day tomorrow.

The Women's Human Rights Campaign, a coalition of community and development groups, is to highlight the need for equality legislation, including an Equal Status Bill, at a meeting of nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) today at the Royal Hospital Kilmainham, Dublin.

It has called on the Government to develop a national plan aimed at implementing international conventions on women and human rights agreed in Vienna in 1993 and Beijing in 1995.

"There is a perception that human rights relate just to foreign policy and not to domestic policy as well," said Ms Niamh Reilly, of the coalition's steering committee. "Most Government Departments outside Foreign Affairs are not even aware they have responsibilities under international human rights conventions."


Hosted by the Department of Foreign Affairs, today's NGO Human Rights Forum is part of a Government initiative to mark the 50th anniversary of the Declaration of Human Rights.

The issue of problems faced by women refugees in Ireland was highlighted at a function in Maynooth College to celebrate International Women's Day last night. The Democratic Left spokeswoman on justice, Ms Liz McManus, said such refugees could suffer "the twin burdens of racial and gender discrimination".

Amnesty International marked the occasion last night with a free concert in Dublin. The group highlighted a number of individual cases in the Chechen Republic, Indonesia and Mexico, where women were under threat.

A pro-choice rally celebrating International Women's Day takes place today at 3.30 p.m. at the GPO. The rally will call for the introduction of legislation which would legalise abortion in Ireland in line with recent court rulings.

The Minister for Arts, Heritage, Culture and the Islands, Ms de Valera, is hosting a concert at 8 p.m. tomorrow in St Patrick's Hall, Dublin Castle. The National Chamber Choir will devote the evening to celebrating women's creativity.

Southside Women's Action Network is holding a public information meeting at Boylan Centre, Sussex Street, Dun Laoghaire, between 2.30 p.m. and 5 p.m.

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys

Joe Humphreys is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times and writer of the Unthinkable philosophy column