Inmates set to be granted seasonal release

Almost 300 prisoners will be granted temporary release from prison this Christmas

Almost 300 prisoners will be granted temporary release from prison this Christmas. The figure of 280 prisoners being released is a slight reduction on last year when 294 prisoners were temporarily freed, which itself was a reduction on the previous year's figure of 307.

Convicted murderer Malcolm McArthur is among those getting out for Christmas.

A spokesman for the Prison Service would not comment on individual cases, but it is understood McArthur is to be released for a few hours on Christmas Day.

McArthur was convicted of the murder of nurse Bridie Gargan in 1982. The case sparked a political storm as he was arrested in an apartment in Dublin that belonged to then attorney general Patrick Connolly.


Six prisoners who were granted temporary release for Christmas last year are still at large.

A Prison Service spokesman said he had no individual details on the six prisoners who failed to return last year, but stressed they were not a danger to the wider public.

"When any prisoner fails to return from [ temporary release] the matter is handed over to the gardaí, who will follow the matter up. There's always a few who are late returning and we have to go and round them up."

A spokesman for the Minister said many of the prisoners were nearing the end of their sentences, while others were serving relatively short sentences.

"The overriding concern in considering applications for Christmas release from prisoners is the safety of the public. In addition to compassionate and humane considerations, other criteria taken into account include the nature and gravity of the offence, length of sentence served to date, prior record on temporary release, if any, and previous criminal history."

The prison population yesterday stood at 2,993.

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland

Kitty Holland is Social Affairs Correspondent of The Irish Times