IFA warns Government over CAP

The wrong outcome in the Common Agricultural Policy negotiations will destroy the viability of thousands of family farms, Irish…

The wrong outcome in the Common Agricultural Policy negotiations will destroy the viability of thousands of family farms, Irish Farmers' Association president John Bryan warned today.

Speaking at the farm group's annual general meeting, he said the right outcome in the EU talks would underpin Ireland's prospects for growth in farming and food. However, the wrong outcome would "completely undermine" Food Harvest 2020, the agri-food strategy.

"Farmers will hold the Minister and the Taoiseach directly responsible for ensuring a successful outcome to these negotiations," Mr Bryan said.

He urged the Taoiseach Enda Kenny to work with traditional supporters of the Common Agricultural Policy, such as France and Germany, to resist pressure for cuts to the budget by member states such as Britain.


The AGM continues all day at the organisation's headquarters in Dublin's Bluebell.

Alison Healy

Alison Healy

Alison Healy is a contributor to The Irish Times