
More power to the eco-label Plans to widen the use of the EU flower eco-label (right) by simplifying the entry requirement and…

More power to the eco-label

Plans to widen the use of the EU flower eco-label (right) by simplifying the entry requirement and opening it up to products not consuming energy have been given the go-ahead by the EU Environmental Committee. So far, about 3,000 products, such as detergents, paper and shoes, carry the label, but MEPS are now suggesting that products which reduce the impact of climate change, limit waste generation and lessen over-consumption should also be able to apply for the eco-label.

The committee, which stopped short of setting eco-design requirements for food and clothes, also says member states should promote the label and introduce targets for the use of such products by public bodies.

Building healthy houses

Architect Frank Cooney will speak about his refurbishment of a semi-derelict 19th-century house in Co Cavan at a public lecture on ecological renovation on Thursday at 7pm in the Cultivate Centre, Temple Bar, Dublin 2. On completing his renovation project, Cooney was awarded both an A2 energy rating and the International Passivhaus standard. Also, architect Joseph Little will talk about extending and renovating a house to improve energy efficiency and create a healthy living environment. Admission €25, www.cultivate.ie, tel: 01-6745773.


Learning to grow your own

Growing your own vegetables has become so de rigueur that farmers and growers are brushing up their teaching skills. Check out Dave Langford’s collection of 150 potato varieties tomorrow at the Annual Potato Day from 11am to 5pm at the Organic Centre, Rossinver, Co Leitrim (www.theorganiccentre.ie).

Meanwhile, on Friday, Kevin Gannon will show how to grow vegetables at the Irish Museum of Country Life, Turlough Park, Castlebar, Co Mayo (tel: 094-9031755). Other places that run vegetable-growing courses are Gortbrack Organic Farm, Ballyseedy, Tralee, Co Kerry (tel: 066-7137011) and Doorus Orchard Group, Kinvara, Co Galway (tel: 091-638099).



This website offers Irish businesses free impartial advice on improving efficiency through reducing waste of materials, consumables, water and energy. Publicly funded through the National Waste Prevention Programme, it is backed up by an office-hours helpline on 1850-473361.

The site is also a good place to catch up on the latest green business news.


Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health, heritage and the environment