What’s this site about

Healthy Town is a unique collaboration between the Irish Times and Pfizer Healthcare aimed at harnessing community spirit and expert knowledge to show you how a few simple steps can lead to better health and wellbeing.

Portlaoise has been selected this year because it is well-positioned as a town in a county with a vibrant and strong community and superb facilities. We hope to harness this spirit and show people – whether they live in Laois or not – just what is possible when people come together to improve their health.

Over the next eight weeks, Portlaoise will host a series of events focusing on mental, physical health and general wellbeing. Those involved in the programme include celebrity chef Catherine Fulvio who will be giving a demonstration on healthy cooking.

Mary Jennings of ForgetTheGym.ie, who has conducted a series of running videos for The Irish Times will also be sharing her insights and encouraging people to take up running or to get back into it.


Also sharing their insights on the various issues that arise in life will be Trish Murphy, psychologist, who writes regular columns for the Irish Times, parenting expert Dr Sara O'Doherty who is a regular Irish Times guest columnist .

Caroline Allen, a mother of two, will write a regular blog, sharing her experiences outlining her success or otherwise, in taking on board, some of the advice etc contained in the programme

But it must be stressed that this programme is not about losing lots of weight or introducing a health regime to your life that probably would not be sustainable, not to mention enjoyable, in the long term. It is about making simple adjustments to your lifestyle.

But it is also about community involvement. Already a number of local individuals and organisations, including sports clubs, have volunteered to provide free activities to encourage people to consider taking up a sport - whether to get fit or for relaxation and enjoyment.

The Irish Heart Foundation will be conducting free health checks for various groups and several public ones as well, where anyone can come along and get their cholesterol, blood pressure etc checked out over the next eight weeks.

This website will also feature informative articles and videos including a series of videos on the correct way to warm up for various activities to prevent injury. The video demonstrations are by Aidan Woods of Pearse Street Physiotherapy Clinic in Dublin, who worked with Ireland's Winter Olympic squad this year and also with the Olympic squad in London in 2012.

last year.

Health + Family, The Irish Times weekly health supplement on Tuesdays will be carrying articles on events each week.

Your health is in your hands…..