HSE campaign aims to prevent falls among elderly

The prevention of falls in older people is the focus of the final phase of the HSE's Keep Well this Winter information campaign…

The prevention of falls in older people is the focus of the final phase of the HSE's Keep Well this Winter information campaign, which has just been launched.

The fourth and final phase of the campaign, entitled Keep Safe This Winter, highlights the fact that many falls can be prevented and that by making small changes, older people can lower their chances of falling.

Though falls and fractures can be prevented, the problem is increasing in Ireland, according to the HSE West, resulting in a poorer quality of life and a social and financial burden for people.

The clear message of this latest phase of the campaign is that, as people get older, a fall can result not only in broken bones, but also in a loss of confidence, loss of mobility and fear of leaving the home.


Hospital network manager, HSE West, Alan Moran explained: "Falls are a common cause of illness among older people.

"A major national survey on injury in Ireland showed there are over 55,000 admissions to hospital for treatment of unintentional injury each year, and the highest rate of admissions is among older women.

"Our goal with this information campaign is to give people advice on reducing the risk of falling and staying healthy during the dark winter months."

In response to the growing problem of falling and fractures, the HSE, in association with the Department of Health and Children and the National Council on Ageing and Older People (NCAOP), is producing aaction plan to prevent falls in older people and to promote bone health in all age groups.

The plan is nearing completion and will provide information on what works in fall and fracture prevention. It will make recommendations for service developments including health promotion (for example, education, diet and exercise), osteoporosis risk assessment, risk reduction and management, falls risk assessment and risk reduction services.

The HSE West provides a few simple tips on staying safe:

Have your vision checked.

Keep floors and walkways clear.

Wear well-fitted shoes with non-slip soles.

Use a non-slip shower or bath mat.

If you have a fall, even a minor one, make sure you visit your GP for a check-up.

Consider wearing a personal alarm so that family or neighbours are alerted if you fall.

Eat regular hot meals and drink plenty of fluids. This will keep you warm and will give you energy to keep active.

The public can access further information on fall prevention and a free leaflet by contacting the lo-call Winter Information Line at tel: 1850 24 1850 (open 24 hours during winter months).

Michelle McDonagh

Michelle McDonagh

Michelle McDonagh, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health and family