Health Scan: Teresanne O’Reilly

Do you think you have a healthy lifestyle?
Yes, I think so. I eat pretty well. I generally have quite a healthy balanced diet. I naturally go for healthy foods and that's been instilled in me since I was a child.

How often do you exercise?
I'd exercise three to four times a week. Myself and a few friends go to a bootcamp class and I do kettle bell classes twice a week. I'm so lucky in Waterford to live close to so many gorgeous beaches, so I walk quite a bit at Woodstown or Tramore. After a long day at work, it's great for clearing the head. I don't even think of it as exercise, it's heading out for a chat with the girls.
Do you get your five a day?
I do. Whether it's a glass of juice to start off with in the morning, or I snack on a piece of fruit. I'm big on salad and vegetables for lunch and dinner. I pile the plate high with peppers and courgettes. That's come from my mum, it would be her food of choice. It's what I was reared on. I'm a killer for rocket and spinach. I'd eat them like a bag of crisps.

Do you worry?
Not really, I think I'm pretty chilled out and laid back. If I get very stressed, I could lose my appetite or I wouldn't sleep, but generally I'm pretty rational and I have a good handle on not letting things get to me too much.

What do you do to relax?
I'm a great sleeper. Exercise is definitely a big thing for me. If I am a bit tense or anxious, it's a good way to wind down. If the weather is really crap and I'm not going to get out for a walk or a run, I listen to the most random of podcasts to chill out.


What is your unhealthiest habit?
Chips. I absolutely love them. I'd definitely have them once a week. Dooly's in Tramore probably have the best fish and chips in the country.

Teresanne O’Reilly is a DJ with southeast radio station Beat 102-103 FM which celebrates 10 years on air this year.

Joanne Hunt

Joanne Hunt

Joanne Hunt, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about homes and property, lifestyle, and personal finance