Health Board

* Members of the public are invited to log on to seechange

* Members of the public are invited to log on to and share their experiences of mental health problems to help get Ireland talking about the issue. See Change is a national coalition of organisations working to end the stigma of mental health problems. Its latest campaign, Make a Ripple, will be officially launched early next month.

* Feldenkrais practitioner Karen Hennessy is offering free taster sessions of the method at St Theresa’s Centre, Clarendon Street, Dublin, on Thursday, April 28th, at 6.30pm, and in the Dublin Holistic Centre, 28 South William Street, on Friday, April 29th, at 12.15pm.

The Feldenkrais method is a gentle form of exercise that brings greater flexibility to the body and can relieve pain. For more information, tel: 087-7588387, or see

* Life coach Anna Aparicio will give a seminar for women on how to boost self-esteem and be more naturally confident. It takes place at the Stillorgan Park Hotel, Dublin, on Thursday, April 28th, 7pm-9.30pm. See


* Caring Hands is a new support programme for carers of people with arthritis. Free workshops will take place in 17 locations around the country throughout the year. An information booklet, Caring for a Person with Arthritis, is available free from Arthritis Ireland. More details on 1890-252846

* More than 300 walkers will take to the moonlit streets of Dublin on June 25th to raise funds for the Diabetes Federation of Ireland. Registration for the 30km Dublin Lunar Walk is €20 and walkers are asked to raise a further €180.

For details, tel: 1850-909909 or e-mail