Have a bite before listening to Beethoven

CONCERTS: IT DOESN'T happen every time but when classical music gets to you you find yourself feeling it from the inside as …

CONCERTS:IT DOESN'T happen every time but when classical music gets to you you find yourself feeling it from the inside as well as hearing it from the outside.

This last happened to me in Kinsale with the Brodsky Quartet at St Multose church, and I'm hoping for it again this weekend at Castletown House. It's the second of the Castletown concerts which celebrate Barry Douglas and Camerata Ireland's residency.

On the musical menu are Beethoven's piano concertos Nos 2, 4 and 5. Beethoven used to play his own concertos; one story has him forgetting he was also a soloist, and leaping up from the piano to conduct, then throwing his arms so wide he knocked over lamps on the music stand.

Such escapades are unlikely in Castletown where the emphasis will be on a night memorable for atmosphere and music. Barry Douglas is one of our most talented musicians, and set up Camerata in 1999 to be an orchestra of Irish musicians.


The music is in a marquee in the grounds of the house, and supper will be served (two courses, plus a glass of wine for €25 per person) from 5pm.

The concert takes place on Sunday at 7.30pm. Information and bookings on 1800 927 361.

Gemma Tipton

Gemma Tipton

Gemma Tipton contributes to The Irish Times on art, architecture and other aspects of culture