Group seeks reform of single-parent family rights

A group representing one-parent families today called on the Government to implement a series of reforms to provide greater equality…

A group representing one-parent families today called on the Government to implement a series of reforms to provide greater equality for children living in one-parent families.

The One Family group said the reforms are needed to recognise changes in Ireland and the fact that 12 per cent of Irish households include one-parent families.

Speaking at the organisation's biennial conference in Dublin today, One Family director Ms Karen Kieren said: "It is time to put children's perspectives at the centre of the work to be done to ensure that all children of the nation are cherished equally.

"Central to this is the forthcoming review of the provisions for the family in the Irish Constitution," Ms Kieran said.


"One Family looks forward to a review which will put children in one-parent families into the Constitution and give them prescribed rights which will allow us to build family rights around those children," she added.

However, Ms Kieran criticised last year's budget for cutting provisions for children in one-parent families, including the creche supplement.

"One-parent families experience disproportionate levels of poverty and disadvantage that can be seriously detrimental to the development and social inclusion of children," Ms Kieren said.

The Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Mr Seamus Brennan, who opened the conference today, said: "It is crucial that priority be given to further developing the supports available to lone parents who opt to work outside the home in enabling them to meet both the demands of work and care for family."

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times