Group opposed to citizenship vote to protest

A group opposed to the planned referendum on citizenship has accused the Government of "attacking the rights of children".

A group opposed to the planned referendum on citizenship has accused the Government of "attacking the rights of children".

The Campaign Against the Racist Referendum (CARR) described the move to restrict the citizenship rights of children born to non-nationals as "retrogressive". The group plans to  protest at the Progressive Democratic Party headquarters in Dublin this afternoon.

It is calling on the Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell, to withdraw the proposed referendum.

As yet, no date has been set for the vote, but last night the Minister of State for Justice, Mr Willie O'Dea, said he favoured June 11th, the same day as the local and European elections. The Cabinet is meeting today to discuss the matter.


Mr Mark Grehan of CARR said any attempt by the Government to hold the referendum on June 11th would be seen as a cynical attempt "to divert attention from its failed policies".

Mr Grehan told ireland.comit was "unacceptable" to discriminate against children on the basis of their parents.

Some critics claim the proposal to change Article 9 of the Constitution to restrict citizenship rights of children born in Ireland to non-nationals may conflict with the unqualified right in Article 2 to such citizenship.  If the referendum is carried, these two Articles may be irreconcilable, they say.

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy

Eoin Burke-Kennedy is Economics Correspondent of The Irish Times