Greens prioritise women

The Green Party has promised to make Dáil Éireann less like "a 19th century gentlemen's club" and more like a family friendly…

The Green Party has promised to make Dáil Éireann less like "a 19th century gentlemen's club" and more like a family friendly workplace if it gets into government after the general election.

The party launched its women's manifesto yesterday to mark International Women's Day which falls today.

Green Party deputy leader Mary White said the party would introduce family-friendly working hours running from Monday afternoons to Friday lunchtimes. Under the plan, the Dáil would never sit later than 7pm.

Some 13 per cent of TDs and 19 per cent of local councillors are women. Green Party councillor Bronwen Maher said the low level of women in decision-making had to be challenged.


The manifesto, Prioritising Equality and Human Rights, includes measures on childcare, health and human rights.

Election candidate Patricia McKenna promised action to combat human trafficking.

The party also pledged to increase breastfeeding rates which are among the lowest in Europe.

Cllr Deirdre de Búrca said health boards should not be allowed to provide free formula milk to low-income mothers. The money saved could be spent on promoting breastfeeding.

Alison Healy

Alison Healy

Alison Healy is a contributor to The Irish Times