Gormley urges Ahern to clarify tribunal evidence

GREEN PARTY leader John Gormley followed acting Progressive Democrats leader Mary Harney yesterday, in calling for Taoiseach …

GREEN PARTY leader John Gormley followed acting Progressive Democrats leader Mary Harney yesterday, in calling for Taoiseach Bertie Ahern to clarify evidence given to the Mahon tribunal concerning his finances.

Speaking at a local authority members conference in Trim, Co Meath, Mr Gormley said the Taoiseach should make a statement clarifying the evidence of his former secretary Gráinne Carruth, in relation to lodgements she made to Mr Ahern's Irish Permanent account in 1994.

The comments from Ms Harney and Mr Gormley were the first time Fianna Fáil's Coalition partners have publicly called on him to explain his evidence to the tribunal.

They also represent the first time a Cabinet member has called on Mr Ahern to make a statement on the issue.


"There is evidence of growing public interest in this issue, and there are concerns. More information from the Taoiseach would help here," he said.

However, Mr Gormley said his remarks did not represent a U-turn on his previous support for Mr Ahern but stemmed from concern expressed at a Green Party members' meeting on Wednesday.

"There is no question of a deviation in any way, my stance on this remains the same," he said.

"It is a matter for the Taoiseach when he should give his statement. I think the Taoiseach is a very experienced politician. I think he knows it's in his best interest and that of his party, and the country at large, that a clarifying statement is made."

Mr Gormley made his remarks shortly after 2pm, just hours after Ms Harney had called for clarification from Mr Ahern.

Last week Ms Carruth told the tribunal that although she had difficulty in remembering the lodgements she made for Mr Ahern, she eventually accepted that she changed more than stg£15,500 on his behalf.

Mr Ahern has previously said the lodgements consisted of salary cheques. Yesterday evening Mr Ahern said any clarification he could offer would be made at the tribunal.

Meanwhile, Labour leader Eamon Gilmore said the comments by the party leaders represented "the first cracks in the wall of silence which the Government has attempted to impose on the glaring contradictions and inconsistencies that have emerged at the tribunal regarding the Taoiseach's financial affairs".

Taoiseach compromised, says Green councillor

GREEN PARTY councillor Nessa Childers has said the Taoiseach has been compromised by Mahon tribunal disclosures and has called on him to respond in the national interest.

"As a public representative and a member of the Green Party, I would like to express my increasing unease at the events that have taken place at the Mahon tribunal.

"However, the big picture needs to be addressed also. By that I mean the issue of what is in the national interest," said Ms Childers.

"The Taoiseach is the head of Government, elected by the Oireachtas. The events of recent weeks have left us without a strong leader at a time of economic turbulence and other challenges.

"I say this with great regret because Bertie Ahern has, almost uniquely, brought to an end decades of conflict in Northern Ireland and extinguished the last embers of the civil war.

"Now, however, the same man has been compromised . . . Bertie Ahern has always shown legendary political acumen without damaging Fianna Fáil. I would hope it does not desert him now.

"It would be truly tragic if he were to be pushed out of office in one of those undignified heaves we have seen in the past," said Ms Childers.


Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist