GM foods on sale are not a health risk, says report

No genetically-modified food on sale in Ireland or the EU poses a health risk, according to a report to be issued by the Food…

No genetically-modified food on sale in Ireland or the EU poses a health risk, according to a report to be issued by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland today, The Irish Times has learned.

The most comprehensive independent report yet published in the State on the genetically-modified (GM) food controversy stresses, however, that this should not be interpreted as blanket approval of all GM foods. Nor does the authority advocate consumption of GM foods over unmodified varieties.

It is understood the report backs a case-by-case assessment of any GM food seeking market approval. It also underlines the importance of clear, neutral information on the issue, to address widespread consumer confusion and concern.

It is understood the FSAI status paper, "Food Safety and GM Foods", stresses that the authority is satisfied on scientific grounds that there is no need to cease the current use of gene technology to develop GM foods on food safety grounds.


The FSAI is not becoming a defender of GM foods or of the multinational companies associated with their development. The report is based on the evaluations of its own scientists: a separate scientific committee and a special sub-committee which assess new GM foods coming onto the market.

The findings are a blow to campaign groups against GM foods. Human health risk has been repeatedly cited by campaigners as grounds for a moratorium on GM foods.

While the report contains a comprehensive evaluation of possible food safety risks, the FSAI has stressed its remit "is purely in the area of food safety and it cannot consider environmental, ethical or trade issues". Musgrave, which controls 25 per cent of the Irish food market through its 470 franchised Supervalu and Centra stores, has defended its policy of not banning genetically-modified food products. Instead, Musgrave requires clear labelling of the GM content in all Supervalu and Centra brands.

Supervalu chief executive Mr Eoin McGettigan said: "We are not scientists and we need to be guided. We want to give the consumer the clear choice through clear labelling. It's a very emotive issue and we have to stand back and take a reasoned decision."

Kevin O'Sullivan

Kevin O'Sullivan

Kevin O'Sullivan is Environment and Science Editor and former editor of The Irish Times