The High Court has continued for another two weeks a stay on a Labour Court hearing that could lead to a 5 per cent wage increase for thousands of electricians.
The stay was granted 10 days ago to around 500 electrical contractors and restrained the Labour Court from holding a hearing, scheduled for June 16th, to vary a registered employment agreement made by the court in 1990.
The Labour Court was due to deal with a five per cent wage increase due under that agreement.
The 500 contractors are members of the Electrical Contractors Safety and Standards Association (ECSSA) and they are opposed to the 1990 agreement and the proposed wage increase.
The action is against the Labour Court with the Technical Engineering and Electrical Union, the Association of Electrical Contractors (Ireland) and the Electrical Contractors Association as notice parties.
The matter again came before the High Court yesterday when Mr Justice John MacMenamin continued the injunction for another two weeks. He also gave liberty to apply in the meantime to vary the order.
The stay on the Labour Court hearing also requires the 460 members of ECSSA to file papers in judicial review proceedings in relation to the substantive matter.