Funeral of girl found dead at home

The funeral of the 16-year-old schoolgirl found dead in her family home in Co Kilkenny last Sunday is to take place this weekend…

The funeral of the 16-year-old schoolgirl found dead in her family home in Co Kilkenny last Sunday is to take place this weekend in Co Tipperary.

The removal of Ciara Gibbs takes place this evening at Ballypatrick just outside Clonmel followed by her burial tomorrow morning.

Garda sources last night said they are still waiting to interview the girl's mother, psychiatrist Dr Lynn Hutchinson. She has been in hospital since her daughter's unexplained death.

Garda sources said Dr Hutchinson is still not in a fit mental or physical condition to be interviewed about her daughter's death.


They are hopeful she may be able to explain the circumstances of her daughter's death or the initial discovery of her remains.

Dr Hutchinson was found in a collapsed state in the family home at Killure, Goresbridge, Co Kilkenny.

Her daughter was found drowned in the bath by her father and brother on their return on Sunday from an overnight trip to Co Tipperary.

After the tragedy the house had been sealed off for five days during which time extensive technical and forensic examinations were carried out.

Those examinations have been completed.

The house is no longer being treated as a crime scene and has been returned to Dr Hutchinson's husband and son.

The gardaí say the drowning is unexplained and that a full inquiry is ongoing.

There were no signs of violence on her body or in the house but the full circumstances of the drowning have yet to be established.

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times