Fine Gael condemns Government over public services

Fine Gael today condemned the coalition Government's record at the launch of a pre-election billboard campaign.

Fine Gael today condemned the coalition Government's record at the launch of a pre-election billboard campaign.

Party leader Mr Michael Noonan said public services such as traffic, health care, housing, and education "have got worse rather than better" under the Fianna Fáil-Progressive Democrats coalition. "One of Fine Gael's key objectives in government will be to make these crucial public services the envy of Europe," he said.

He unveiled a series of billboards outside Government buildings, one of which shows a traffic jam with the caption: "Where are you spending your free time under Fianna Fáil?".

A Fine Gael spokesperson said the party has allocated €100,000 to the pre-election campaign, which includes billboards and posters.


It is designed to support the party's ardfheis next week where the Fine Gael general election campaign will be launched.

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy

Luke Cassidy is Digital Production Editor of The Irish Times