Fine Gael clears Mitchell but councillor loses whip

DUBLIN SOUTH TD Olivia Mitchell said last night that she was “pleased but not surprised” that the Fine Gael discplinary committee…

DUBLIN SOUTH TD Olivia Mitchell said last night that she was “pleased but not surprised” that the Fine Gael discplinary committee had exonerated her of any complaint over the acceptance of a 1992 election donation from lobbyist Frank Dunlop.

However, Fine Gael removed the party whip from Clondalkin councillor Therese Ridge, who was also the subject of adverse findings in the Mahon report over a donation from the same source.

General secretary Tom Curran said last night: “Having considered the submissions made and the evidence heard, the view of the committee was that, while it was inappropriate in light of what we now know for the then councillor Mitchell to accept the donation in question, her actions have not brought the party into disrepute.

“She is exonerated of any complaint, and remains a member of the party, in high standing.”


Ms Mitchell added: “I’m pleased but not surprised that the Fine Gael disciplinary committee has found that I have no case to answer.

“The opinion of the tribunal that acceptance of such a donation was inappropriate is entirely unremarkable given that the opinion was formed with the benefit of hindsight and in the light of information about Mr Dunlop and his activities which was unknown both to me and the general public at that time,” she added.

In a separate statement, Mr Curran said: “The view of the committee was that it was injudicious and unwise for Cllr Ridge to have accepted the donation in question.

“Furthermore, the committee found that Cllr Ridge’s relationship with Frank Dunlop severely compromised her role as a public representative.

“Failure to declare an interest and abstention on votes was also wholly inappropriate and damaging to the interests of Fine Gael.

“Accordingly, the Fine Gael whip has been removed from Cllr Ridge and she is required to resign, within seven days, from all committees associated with her role as a public representative.

“Failure to do [so] will result in the cessation of her membership of Fine Gael on July 1st next.

“She may appeal within 30 days.”

Deaglán  De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún, a former Irish Times journalist, is a contributor to the newspaper