Final report soon on tax and Garda co operation

A FINAL report on co operation between the Garda and the Revenue Commissioners in cracking down on criminals such as drugs traffickers…

A FINAL report on co operation between the Garda and the Revenue Commissioners in cracking down on criminals such as drugs traffickers is expected to be given to the Government next month. An initial report drafted by the two bodies was submitted to the Government earlier this month.

Work on this report began the previous July when the Minister for Justice, Mrs Owen, announced measures to combat the drugs trade. On receipt of the initial report, the Government decided further consultation was needed between the two agencies, their parent Departments (i.e. Finance and Justice) and the Office of the Attorney General. This supplementary report is to be finalised next month.

Improving co operation to enforce existing tax law and the sharing of information are among the issues being examined. According to a spokeswoman, the Revenue Commissioners have difficulties proving that the wealth of known criminals who live lavish lifestyles actually belongs to them.

There have been strong condemnations by TDs in recent weeks of the Revenue Commissioners' failure to prosecute people for tax evasion who have grown rich from dealing in drugs.


On June 5th, Mr Paddy Donnelly, of the Revenue Commissioners, told the Dail Subcommittee on Drugs that no one considered to be a drug dealer had been prosecuted for tax evasion over the past five years. He said the commissioners were "keenly interested in playing a role in this area".

However, Mr Brendan Kenneally, of Fianna Fail, wondered if there was "a certain amount of empire building in the various State agencies" which inhibited co operation.

Colm Keena

Colm Keena

Colm Keena is an Irish Times journalist. He was previously legal-affairs correspondent and public-affairs correspondent