FF gears up for ardfheis following ballot defeat

Fianna Fáil says an estimated 6,000 people will attend its ardfheis which begins this evening in Dublin.

Fianna Fáil says an estimated 6,000 people will attend its ardfheis which begins this evening in Dublin.

The event takes place against the backdrop of a looming general election in May and a second referendum defeat for the Government yesterday.

However, the last Irish Times/MRBI poll showed the Government parties have again strengthened their support as Fine Gael and its leader, Mr Michael Noonan, slip further in advance of the general election.

The poll also showed Mr Ahern remains firmly on course to return as Taoiseach. His party's support rose a point to 42 per cent, and satisfaction with the Government rose four points to 56 per cent. Mr Ahern's satisfaction rating is at 67 per cent, down one point, according to the poll


The Taoiseach will open the conference at 7 p.m. tonight and will deliver his keynote address tomorrow evening.

A total of 106 general election candidates will hear 150 motions debated, and 300 journalists are expected to cover the event.

Fine Gael held its ardfheis in Dublin last month.

  • This website will provide full coverage of the Fianna Fáil Ard Fheis tomorrow.
Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times