
Readers of The Irish Times   pose questions on nature

Readers of The Irish Times  pose questions on nature

At the end of August, from the bridge at Parteen, I was astonished to see a white stoat taking to the water and swimming across the tail race.

Henry Place, Parteen, Co Clare

Irish stoats turn white only very occasionally in a snowy winter. In northern latitudes it is more usual. It is astonishing to see one white in autumn.


This year our swallows built a nest and reared five chicks, who are still around. Then during August they built a new nest about 10ft away, and several vociferous chicks are now being fed.

Pat Doncaster, Schull, Co Cork

Swallows will produce up to three broods in a season, and build new nests. On return they will likely repair the old nests.

I have seen kingfishers twice recently on the river banks just below Lansdowne rugby grounds. Are they resident and breeding in the area?

Paul Nugent, Sandymount, Dublin 4

Kingfishers are resident and breeding further up the Dodder, so why not on the lower reaches?

Several letters have remarked on the scarcity of wasps, for which we have no explanation.

Michael Viney

Michael Viney

The late Michael Viney was an Times contributor, broadcaster, film-maker and natural-history author