Efforts continue to resolve ESB strike threat

The ESB is seeking to resolve a dispute over a 28 per cent pay rise ahead of strike action planned for later this month.

The ESB is seeking to resolve a dispute over a 28 per cent pay rise ahead of strike action planned for later this month.


Some 2,500 staff ' almost 30 per cent of the ESB workforce ' will begin continuous strike action on Monday, April 23rd after serving strike notice on the company this week.

The ESB yesterday wrote to the two unions involved, SIPTU and the ESB Officers' Association, and appealed for them to fully utilise the company's industrial relations mechanisms.

Responding to the ESB letter today, SIPTU's Mr Tony Dunne, said the correspondence "did not progress the claim before the company". He added that the company has had five months to resolve this issue and had dealt with the issue in a disastrous fashion.


It is believed other ESB staff unions, including the ATGWU and the TEEU, are considering whether to support the pay claim, a move that would almost certainly lead to widespread power cuts.

No talks are planned between the unions and ESB management.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times