Share your story: Third-level students and mental health

USI report on mental health finds almost one in four ‘very unlikely’ to seek help

A third of students are experiencing "extremely severe levels of anxiety", according to a new report. The National Report on Student Mental Health in Third Level Education surveyed students on their experiences with mental health and mental health services.

Among the main findings were that students are experiencing severe levels of anxiety, depression and stress – with one-fifth of students saying they did not have someone to talk to about their personal and emotional difficulties.

We would like to hear from (past and present) students about their own experiences. (If you are reading this on the Irish Times app, you can access the form here)

Did you struggle with personal and emotional difficulties during your time in college?


How did it affect your studies?

Do you believe the research accurately reflects student life in Ireland.

And what steps and procedures do you think need be taken by college authorities, the HSE or other bodies?

Some of the (anonymous) responses will be published.

Thank you.

Damian Cullen

Damian Cullen

Damian Cullen is Health & Family Editor of The Irish Times