
The talk of education

[GREYSQUARE][CROSSHEAD]Sex education in schools[/CROSSHEAD] gives sex ed to 16-25 year olds, including info on threesomes

Why we need organisations like #SpunOut: 55 per cent of Irish 18 year-olds leave school without proper sex ed.

– @DaraghQuinn, Twitter

Joe: 'If you're asked to take part in a threesome just say no. ' Oh, that I have lived to hear these words on Liveline . –


Concerned that your kids will learn values other than yours via a website? Maybe you should teach them YOUR values yourself.

– @ScoobyDoofus, Twitter

[GREYSQUARE][CROSSHEAD]Blackrock College receives €1.8m from US organisation over five years


Nothing unusual here. Rich people using a tax loophole to advance the cause of rich people. It’s admirable in a way. It shows us that the wealthy are not all hyper-individualistic Ayn Randites, and that they can demonstrate solidarity. Pity it’s solidarity with their wealthy international contemporaries, aimed at entrenching and widening class divisions.

– DispelDisbelief,

SpunO ut getting €120k to support young people is more offensive than Blackrock College getting €1.8m from the American Ireland Fund? Pfttt. – @al70, twitter

[GREYSQUARE][CROSSHEAD]TUI rejects Croke Park extension proposals[/CROSSHEAD]

We should be looking for quality educators , not the cheapest people. Wellqualified people with experience who will do the job well is who we need working in schools. Education is one of the things we should be investing in. It’s a long-term plan we need. The mess they are making now will only be come obvious in a few years time. – Keith Burke,

I think even TUI members know that they have to take some hit to restore our fiscal sovereignty. No one wants to any more cuts to pay and welfare, but such cuts are inevitable until we get to the
3 per cent deficit

– @fintancox, Twitter

[GREYSQUARE] Teach your sons not to rape: A thread on in response to the Steubenville rape case in the US

An inebriated 16-year old girl was raped multiple times by a group of young men at a drinking party. The rapes were filmed and posted on social media. The girl was urinated on. Two young men brought the helplessly drunken girl to another party where she could be raped again. Where do young men get the notion rape is a casual act with no consequences? – odetojoy

Parents don’t need to teach their sons not to rape. They need to teach them to respect other people and to treat others with dignity. The ‘not raping’ bit will follow automatically. – borntorum

When was growing up in the 1980s, I can honestly say I never heard a rape-related joke and I went to an all-boys school . From working with people in their early 20s, I was genuinely shocked to the extent to how they’ve gained currency. -shoneen