Early indications as to front-runner due in evening

THE COUNT: THE FIRST count figures for the presidential election should be available late this evening with the result of the…

THE COUNT:THE FIRST count figures for the presidential election should be available late this evening with the result of the Dublin West byelection expected at about the same time.

The final outcome in the race for the Áras could be known about midnight but is thought more likely to be announced at about lunchtime tomorrow.

The referendum results will not be announced until after the count for the presidency has finished.

The figures for the amendment on judicial pay will be announced first, probably in the mid-afternoon tomorrow. This will be followed by the result of the referendum on increased powers for Oireachtas inquiries, expected about 7-8pm tomorrow.


The first count results in the Dublin West byelection are expected by mid-afternoon with the final result though likely by 7pm or 8pm. There are 13 candidates including representatives of the main parties and six Independents.

Presidential candidates must achieve in excess of one-quarter of the quota to be eligible for up to €200,000 in reimbursed expenses. This means securing 12.5 per cent of the vote at some stage of the count.

If a number of candidates were at 2 or 3 per cent, they could be eliminated together. The prospect of a candidate achieving the necessary level for the recovery of expenses will be a factor in deciding their elimination.

The count in each constituency starts at 9am with the separation of the ballot papers into those relating to the presidential poll and those for each referendum.

For verification purposes ballot papers in each box will have to be compared with the account furnished by the presiding officer.

The counting of the votes for the presidential election will proceed first, followed by counting for the 29th Amendment of the Constitution (Judges’ Remuneration) Bill 2011 and then counting for the 30th Amendment of the Constitution (Houses of the Oireachtas Inquiries) Bill 2011.

At all stages, counting in the presidential election will take precedence over counting in the referendums.

However, those constituencies which complete the presidential account early will be able to use the intervening time to begin the referendum counts.

The presidential result will be declared in Dublin Castle. The first count is likely to be completed by about 7.30-8pm today.

The next president will be inaugurated at Dublin Castle on Friday, November 11th.

Deaglán  De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún

Deaglán De Bréadún, a former Irish Times journalist, is a contributor to the newspaper