Donaldson urged to assist Garvaghy talks

The Sinn Féin president, Mr Gerry Adams, has called on Ulster Unionist MP Mr Jeffrey Donaldson to facilitate talks between the…

The Sinn Féin president, Mr Gerry Adams, has called on Ulster Unionist MP Mr Jeffrey Donaldson to facilitate talks between the Orange Order and the Garvaghy Road Residents Association to try to avert another Drumcree stand-off.

Mr Adams was responding to comments Mr Donaldson made in The Irish Times on Tuesday, when he challenged the Sinn Féin president to provide evidence of his declared good intentions towards unionism by allowing the Orange Order to parade down Garvaghy Road this July.

Mr Adams said Mr Donaldson must know that the only resolution to Drumcree lay in dialogue between the Orange Order and the nationalist residents, but the order had stubbornly refused to talk to the people on the Garvaghy Road.

Mr Adams said he was willing to assist in trying to find a resolution to the annual Drumcree impasse but Mr Donaldson should also play a constructive role. "It is obvious to me that the issue of an Orange march down Garvaghy Road is an important one for Orangeism and for sections of unionism," he said.


"I am prepared to use my good offices to facilitate such talks and Sinn Féin is willing to assist in creating a meaningful and genuine process of dialogue, so that the Orange Order can meet for face-to-face discussions with the nationalist people of Portadown."

Mr Adams said Sinn Féin was not opposed to Orange marches.

"There are no more than a dozen or so contentious Orange parades. Surely it is not outside the imagination of Orange and unionist leaders to envisage talking to the people involved. Jeffrey Donaldson as a member of the Orange Order should use his influence to bring this about."

Mr Adams also welcomed the talks this week between the Ulster Unionist leader, Mr David Trimble, and loyalist paramilitary leaders and representatives aimed at dampening down sectarian tensions this summer.

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty

Gerry Moriarty is the former Northern editor of The Irish Times