Derry bishop tenders resignation

The Catholic Bishop of Derry, Dr Seamus Hegarty, is to stand down  for health reasons.

The Catholic Bishop of Derry, Dr Seamus Hegarty, is to stand down  for health reasons.

In recent days, he submitted a letter of resignation to Pope Benedict. and said in a short statement this morning that he hopes it will be accepted.

"In July of this year, a local newspaper indicated that I had been undergoing medical tests," he said. "At the time, I stated that, while this was accurate, I had not received any diagnosis or treatment. However, very recently, I received a diagnosis of a condition which is, unfortunately, irreversible and progressive. I am now receiving treatment for this condition.”

He continued that this meant he was no longer able to continue in the role of diocesan bishop.


"Mindful of the requirement of the Code of Canon Law, canon 401 §2, in which a bishop is 'earnestly requested to offer his resignation' when, because of illness, he becomes unsuited for the fulfilment of his office, I have in the past few days submitted my letter of resignation as Bishop of Derry to the Holy Father, Pope Benedict XVI.”

Now 71, Dr Hegarty said he had hoped to continue until the age of 75 as diocesan bishop, but his medical condition prevented this. "Due to my condition, I will have to scale back on my duties while the Holy Father considers my letter of resignation. It is my hope that my resignation will be accepted. It is my intention to maintain a pastoral ministry, to the extent that I am able, into the future.”

Ordained in 1966, Dr Hegarty had previously been Bishop of Raphoe, a position he held from 1982 to November 1994 when he was installed as Bishop of Derry.

Over more recent years he has faced many questions surrounding his handling of clerical child sex abuse allegations in Raphoe diocese. He has said he would welcome a statutory inquiry into the handling of clerical child sex abuse allegations there by church and State authorities.

A report on the handling of such abuse allegations by church authorities in Raphoe has been completed by the Catholic Church’s child protection watchdog, its National Board for Safeguarding Children, and is due to be published in coming weeks.

In a statement this evening, Edward Daly, the Bishop Emeritus of Derry, said he was shocked by the news but said Dr Hegarty was "prudent and wise to resign if he did not feel able to continue in his episcopal responsibility."

"I wish to thank Bishop Séamus for his ministry in this diocese for the last 17 years. On a personal note, I thank him for his unfailing kindness to me and constant care for me during those years. I have been speaking to him earlier today and assured him of my good wishes and prayers in the years to come," he said.

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times