Delgany residents to appeal planning decision

Wicklow councillors were sharply criticised at a public meeting in Delgany last night for not calling for the suspension of the…

Wicklow councillors were sharply criticised at a public meeting in Delgany last night for not calling for the suspension of the council's planning department. The meeting, called to organise opposition to planning permission for a 263-house development between Delgany and Killincarrig, was the most heated yet in the ongoing controversy over recent planning decisions in Wicklow.

Mr Paddy Dowling, chairman of the Delgany Area Residents' Association, attacked the council for granting permission for the development, pointing out that An Bord Pleanala had refused permission for a similar housing scheme last year.

Referring to the various planning issues currently being challenged in north Wicklow, Mr Dowling demanded to know why public representatives had not attempted to use their powers to seek the suspension of the planning department.

The only council member present at this stage of the meeting, Mr George Jones (FG), said that his opposition to the Delgany development was well known. He added: "I was appalled that the council granted planning permission for the 263 houses in August, a quiet time for the council and just weeks before a consultant's report on development in the area was due."


The chairman of the meeting, Mr Michael O'Keeffe, asked Mr Jones to say what action he felt he and the other councillors should now take. Mr O'Keeffe added: "We know what we must do, because of what you have not done. What is your role now?"

The Minister of State for Transport, Energy and Communications, Mr Joe Jacob, who is a Fianna Fail TD for Wicklow, emphasised the need for sustainable development "which would satisfy and have the approval of our grandchildren".

The meeting was told that the Delgany Residents' Action Group would appeal the planning permission to An Bord Pleanala. Another possibility was that a judicial review might be sought.

The only other members of the council at the meeting were Mr Dick Roche TD (FF) and Ms Liz McManus TD (DL). Mr Roche said that he had written to the county secretary to ask that the county manager attend next Monday's planning meeting of the council. Ms McManus said that the current redrafting of the county development plan might provide an opportunity for the elected representatives to have a greater say on planning policy.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist