DCU president warns of 'yellow pack' universities

The Republic is drifting towards a "yellow pack" university system as it struggles to cope with underfunding, according to a …

The Republic is drifting towards a "yellow pack" university system as it struggles to cope with underfunding, according to a senior third-level figure.

In a key address today, the DCU president, Dr Ferdinand von Prondzynski, underlines the frustration of the seven universities in the Republic as they grapple with a deepening funding crisis.

Dr von Prondzynski, the current head of the Irish Universities Association (IUA), pointed out how even the landmark OECD report on the third-level sector had failed to act as a catalyst for action. "We have had consultations and commitments, but one year on from its publication it is now time for action by the Government."

Instead of providing a "quantum leap" in funding, as recommended by the OECD, the Government had delivered only a "grossly inadequate 2.6 per cent increase in core funding".


He said there had also been "partial approval for new capital works to accommodate programmes introduced at the behest of the Government two years ago but long-fingered by the Government".

He continued: "The OECD envisaged increased State funding and the return of fees payments by students. We have got neither. The Government will have to deliver if we are to reverse the otherwise inevitable slide towards a 'yellow pack' university system."

The IUA, representing the seven universities, is the new name for the Conference of Heads of Irish Universities. The name change will be officially marked in Dublin later today.

Dr von Prondzynski acknowledged that the universities had not always been effective in delivering their message to policymakers. He said the seven Irish universities must become much more effective and coherent, as the Republic competes in the global higher education system.

The DCU president said the IUA would provide a forum for the senior officers of the universities to identify the strategic challenges facing the university system and to devise and agree on the policies and plans for tackling them and developing the sector. He also called for a new form of social partnership that would give recognition and representation to the universities and highlight the key role they must play in future knowledge-driven development of the country.

Dr von Prondzynski is one of the more outspoken university presidents. In the past, he has been critical of the lack of support for the third-level system from the Department of Education and Science.

Seán Flynn

Seán Flynn

The late Seán Flynn was education editor of The Irish Times