CSO figures reveal static retail activity

Retail activity remained static in March as consumers displayed an increasing unwillingness to spend, according to new data from…

Retail activity remained static in March as consumers displayed an increasing unwillingness to spend, according to new data from the Central Statistics Office (CSO).

The figures show that the value of retail sales dropped by 0.1 per cent from February to March although the volume of sales rose by 0.7 per cent.

On an annual basis, March retail sales were 5.1 per cent ahead of the same month of 2002 in value terms, according to the data.

The CSO points out, however, that when the motor trade is excluded, the value sales rose by a less buoyant 2.8 per cent on an annual basis.


Over a 12-month period the volume of sales rose 1.7 per cent. If car sales are excluded the annual decrease was 0.3 per cent.

On a sectoral basis, using data for the three months to February 2003, the lighting and furniture sectors showed the greatest increase in sales at 5.6 per cent.

The largest decease over the same period was in the other retail sales sector, which fell 3.8 per cent.

David Labanyi

David Labanyi

David Labanyi is the Head of Audience with The Irish Times