UCD wins annual moot court award

Cearbhall Ó Dálaigh: the Irish-language moot court, Bréagchúirt Uí Dhálaigh, is held in memory of the former president and chief justice

UCD law students were the winners of the annual Irish- language moot court, Bréagchúirt Uí Dhálaigh, which took place in the Four Courts.

Organised by Gael Linn and in its 16th year, it is held in memory of the late Cearbhall Ó Dálaigh, former president and chief justice. The competition gives third-level law students an opportunity to display their advocacy skills in an authentic courtroom setting before practising judges of the Supreme and High Courts.

This year's final, between UCD and UCC, was adjudicated by Ms Justice Mary Laffoy of the Supreme Court, Mr Justice Colm Mac Eochaidh of the High Court and Séamus Ó Tuathail SC.

The main award went to the UCD team, made up of Aoibhinn Nic Cionnaith, Simon Mac Giolla Easpaig and Peadar Ó Lamhna.