One Direction to the tuck shop, prison inmates find

Prisoners get up to €2.20 daily and pop trinkets are key among what they can buy

The stock list from which prisoners can purchase items for sale through tuck shops was released by the Irish Prison Service (IPS) under the Freedom of Information Acts. File photograph: Getty Images

There’s no escaping the popularity of One Direction. Not even in prison.

Hardened lags serving time in Irish jails can now count their days of servitude on a One Direction calendar - purchased from the prison tuck shop.

The calendar, which is a steal at just €2 and comes with small chocolate treats inside, features on a stock list of items that can be supplied for sale to inmates through the prison store.

Other items on the list that may interest a criminal with a penchant for teen pop include a One Direction gift mug, a One Direction stocking, or a One Direction carry-case lunchbox.


Prisoners receive a daily allowance of up to €2.20 to spend on discretionary items from the prison tuck shop. The payment can also be saved and made available upon release.

Inmates would have to save almost three days’ allowance to buy the carry-case lunchbox or the gift mug, however, as both of these are priced at €5.99. The One Direction stocking costs €4.99.

The stock list from which prisoners can purchase items for sale through tuck shops was released by the Irish Prison Service (IPS) under the Freedom of Information Acts.

It contains details and prices of all products that can be ordered by prison tuck shops for sale to prisoners. These include tobacco, groceries, toiletries and other sundry items.

A spokesperson for the IPS said the supply contract for its tuck shops was the subject of a competitive tendering process and is currently held by retail and wholesale distribution company BWG.

Other unusual items on the stock list include a Hello Kitty chocolate egg, which costs €3.99, and Bear in the Big Blue House corn snacks which sell at 59 cent per packet.

Lest prisoners wet themselves laughing at cell mates sporting One Direction lunchboxes in the prison yard, Pampers nappies can be supplied through the tuck shop at a cost of €8.80.