Honorary doctorate for former chief justice

John Murray: conferred with an honorary doctorate from Wake Forest University in the United States

Former chief justice John Murray has been conferred with an honorary doctorate from Wake Forest University in the United States.

Mr Justice Murray received the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws at the North Carolina university at a ceremony last month.

In an address to law graduates, Mr Justice Murray, who was been an ordinary judge of the Supreme Court since 2011, spoke of the obligation of democratic states to respect the rule of law in the fight against terrorism.

Peace and stability could only be brought to countries in turmoil through the spread and adoption of systems of law which protected people’s rights, he said.


“If democratic states seek to spread the rule of law they must demonstrate their commitment to its principles in their own countries,” he added.

Mr Justice Murray was described as a noted jurist in constitutional and European law. And the college provost referred to his dedication to the people, laws and future of Ireland.

Jill Abramson, the recently dismissed editor of the New York Times, was conferred with an honorary doctorate at the same ceremony.