Dead brothers were inseparable, says teacher

‘Ruairi was like Eoghan’s shadow. They did everything together. They took part in everything’

Ballinkillen school principal pays tribute to Chada boys

The two boys who were found dead in their father’s crashed car yesterday afternoon were described by their school principal today as “the whole package”.

Michelle Doorley, the principal of Ballinkillen National School in Co Carlow, said Eoghan (10) and Ruairi Chada (5) had a "great sense of fun" which endeared them to fellow pupils and teachers.

The national school is within sight of the Chada home in Ballykillen which is about six kilometres outside Bagnelstown.

Ms Doorley said there was a great sense of grief and loss in the community when the tragic news filtered through of their death.


She described the boys as inseparable. Ruairi had “a smile you could die for”. He was clever and was always following his older brother around.

Eoghan had just finished third class. He was a “solid, bright young chap” and both were mad about sport.

"Ruairi was like Eoghan's shadow. They did everything together. They took part in everything. If we needed volunteers, they were the first to sign up," she told RTÉ's Morning Ireland.

“They had a great sense of humour. They were very popular with all their classmates, both boys and girls.

“They were two super boys. They had the whole package. They were pleasant to deal with, had lovely manners, they were great team workers with a good sense of humour. They will be missed by everybody.”

The school has 113 pupils and six teachers.

It is implementing a critical incident plan to help the children cope with the news.

The school is working with Department of Education psychologists to ensure all those affected get psychological support.

The bodies of Eoghan and Ruairi were found yesterday afternoon in their father's Ford car crashed outside Westport, Co Mayo.

A nationwide alert was issued when the boys did not return from a night bowling with their father Sanjeev in Carlow town.

Mr Chada (43) escaped the crash with minor injuries and is expected to be questioned by gardai later today.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times