Challenge to council deferring housing offer to Traveller family

Action brought on behalf of Ward family who are living in a caravan at Bundoran

The Ward family’s barrister said the council’s decision was taken without any input from the Wards, who had been unaware that the process was even taking place
The Ward family’s barrister said the council’s decision was taken without any input from the Wards, who had been unaware that the process was even taking place

A High Court challenge has been launched against Donegal County Council’s decision to defer offering housing support to a Traveller family of seven living in a caravan without running water and other basic facilities.

The action has been brought on behalf of Brian and Eileen Ward and their five children who are currently living in caravan at Shore Front, Bundoran, Co Donegal.

The family, supported by the Child and Family Agency (Tusla) which voiced concerns over their living conditions, applied to the council for social housing support. The Wards, who have two children with medical needs, were deemed by the council to be “an unacceptable risk of anti-social behaviour” and the offer of housing was deferred.

The family was informed last March that it could make a fresh application in 12 months’ time, but the Wards say the council informed them it would be five years before it would be in a position to offer them housing.


The family’s lawyers argue that the council has failed to engage meaningfully with the Wards before arriving at its decision. They also claim the decision was disproportionate, and made without relevant considerations.

Housing file

At the High Court on Wednesday, the family’s barrister, Mark Lynam, instructed by solicitors for the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission, said the council’s decision was taken without any input from the Wards, who had been unaware that the process was even taking place.

Mr Lynam said the council had made its decision based on the Ward’s housing file rather than putting its concerns to the family for their comment.

The Wards claim they should have been afforded a hearing, and that up-to-date information should have been sought.

Mr Lynam said any decision to defer or refuse housing due to any alleged anti-social behaviour must be proportionate. In arriving at its decision the council failed to give due weight to Tusla’s concern about the family’s welfare, the conditions the members reside in and the fact they are homeless.

They currently had no running water, and had limited use of a generator. They had tried but had not been able to secure private rented accommodation.

Constitutional rights

In its proceedings against the council, the family seeks an order quashing the local authority’s decision to defer offering them social housing. It also seeks declarations including that the council’s decision was disproportionate, breaches their constitutional rights and rights under the European Convention on Human Rights.

Permission to bring the challenge was granted, on an ex parte basis, by Mr Justice Richard Humphreys.

The judge made the matter returnable to a date in September.