Boy knocked down by neighbour’s car gets €65,000 settlement

It was alleged the child had nightmares for about six months following the incident

The judge approved the offer from the respondent’s insurers.

A three-year-old boy who was knocked down by a neighbour's car near his home has had a €65,000 settlement with the driver approved by the High Court.

Daniel Harty (now 6), of Canon Breen Park, Thomondgate, Limerick, through his father Daniel snr, sued Philomena McAuley, also of Canon Breen Park.

It was alleged the boy was playing in a cul-de-sac next to his home when he was knocked down on August 21st, 2017.

He was taken to hospital where he was found to have a swelling on the left side of his forehead and two fractured ribs.


Psychological symptoms

It was also alleged he had upset sleep and woke with nightmares for about six months following the incident. While he completely recovered from his physical injuries, his psychological symptoms persisted for some time.

Approving an offer totalling €65,000 from the respondent's insurers, Ms Justice Deirdre Murphy noted that it was an upsetting incident but she was satisfied the child had in essence recovered from the physical and psychological effects. It was a very good offer, she said, and she approved it.