Dundon solicitor says appeal may follow

Limerick criminal expresses ‘regret’ over death of Shane Geoghegan

Solicitor John Devane speaking outside the Special Criminal Court after John Dundon was today sentenced to life in prison for the murder of rugby player Shane Geoghegan. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times
Solicitor John Devane speaking outside the Special Criminal Court after John Dundon was today sentenced to life in prison for the murder of rugby player Shane Geoghegan. Photograph: Eric Luke/The Irish Times

John Dundon’s solicitor has said his client may appeal his conviction for murder.

Mr Dundon was found guilty today at the Special Criminal Court of organising and directing the killing of rugby player Shane Geoghegan, in a case of mistaken identity.

Speaking outside the court today, Mr Dundon's solicitor John Devane said his client insisted he was not responsible for murder.

“He still maintains his innocence and in accordance with his instructions... yes we do believe there is a case there that we can appeal and hopefully prove his innocence in the long term - while still sympathising and deeply regretting the loss of Shane Geoghegan,” he said,


As the verdict was read out, Mr Dundon - wearing a black tracksuit - listened to music on a pair of headphones.

When asked whether this was a sign of disrespect to the court, Mr Devane said his client did not want to over-react to the judgement.

“He wore the headphones because he - as he said afterwards - just did not want to hear what was going on and hear a tissue of acceptances on the State’s part, about what witnesses said about him was false – he didn’t want to hear the courts accepting that...,” said Mr Devane.

"He wanted to keep himself to himself, and didn't want to over-react to any adverse outcome - and I think if wearing headphone achieved that result for him, I think that's okay."
When asked if he felt his client's expression of regret in court for the death of Mr Geoghan in court - via his barrister, Brendan Nix - was genuine, Mr Devane said he felt it was.

Mr Devane also said did not have any difficulty representing Mr Dundon, who he accused of threatening to assault him four years ago.

“I’m on the legal aid panel in this country - any defendant can choose me as a lawyer and I take on their case.”

Meanwhile, Garda Commissioner Martin Callinan has welcomed the conviction of Dundon for the murder of Mr Geoghegan.

Mr Callinan stated that An Garda Síochána’s “thoughts and prayers are with the Geoghegan family today and we are aware of how difficult a day this is for them all”.

He said the result of the trial “clearly shows the determination of the Garda Síochána to pursue fully, individuals or groups involved in this type of serious crime and this verdict today in the Special Criminal Court endorses the capacity of the State to deal with the most serious and difficult criminal cases”.

He congratulated all those members of the Garda involved in this painstaking and lengthy investigation.

Carl O'Brien

Carl O'Brien

Carl O'Brien is Education Editor of The Irish Times. He was previously chief reporter and social affairs correspondent