Pensioner six times over legal limit found asleep at wheel with dog

Michael Costello of Kilkelly, Co Mayo appeared before Castlebar District Court

A 72-year-old pensioner has been disqualified from driving for three years after he was found to be six times over the legal alcohol limit while asleep in the driver’s seat of his car with his dog.

Michael Costello of Kilkelly, Co Mayo appeared before Castlebar District Court on Tuesday. Garda Kenneth Barrett told the court said he had found Costello's vehicle parked at the side of the road, blocking the entrance to a driveway at approximately 4.30pm on July 31st, 2016.

When he approached the car, Garda Barrett found Costello asleep in the driver’s seat with a small white dog. The engine was running and the car radio was turned on.

He managed to wake Costello, who he described as “drowsy, confused and incoherent” when he became conscious, leading the garda to suspect that he had consumed an intoxicant.


The accused was brought to Claremorris Garda Station, where a sample of blood taken by a designated GP returned a reading of 304mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood – more than six times the legal limit.

The court heard that Costello had been driving for 54 years, and had no previous convictions. Through his solicitor, he apologised to the court and said he was extremely remorseful for his actions.

His solicitor said Mr Costello had driven to Kilkelly village and had consumed a bottle of wine. On his way home, he had been “overcome with sadness” and pulled in at the roadside before falling asleep.

Judge Mary Devins noted his blood-alcohol level had been "very, very high" and questioned the solicitor's assertion that Mr Costello had consumed only one bottle of wine.

He clarified that he had not asked his client about the quantity of alcohol that he had consumed, and accepted that it may have been more than a single bottle of wine.

Judge Devins convicted Mr Costello of drink driving, fining him €400 and disqualifying him from driving for the minimum mandatory period of three years.