Man charged with Cameron Reilly murder remanded on bail

Aaron Connolly was warned to stay out of the towns of Dunleer and Drogheda in Co Louth

Aaron Connolly (18), of Willistown, Drumcar, Co Louth, pictured leaving Cloverhill District Court yesterday. Photograph: Collins

A youth accused of murdering Co Louth teenager Cameron Reilly has been remanded on bail pending the preparation of a book of evidence.

Aaron Connolly (18), of Willistown, Drumcar, Co Louth, must stay out of the towns of Dunleer and Drogheda, he was warned on Thursday.

He was held in custody on July 6th last after he was charged with the murder of Mr Reilly (18) at Shamrock Hill, Dunleer, Co Louth, on May 26th.

He was still in custody when he faced his second hearing on July 12th at Cloverhill District Court and he was further remanded in custody.


However, he was subsequently granted bail with conditions by the High Court.

He has taken up the bail and appeared again at Cloverhill District Court on Thursday.

Court Garda sergeant Stephen Nalty told Judge Alan Mitchell directions from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) needed to be obtained.

He applied for the case to be sent back to Dundalk District Court where the defendant's first hearing took place.

Bail terms

Judge Mitchell noted from the High Court order that bail terms stated Mr Connolly must stay out of Drogheda and Dunleer and he had to sign on daily at Dundalk Garda station.

He said the purpose of the adjournment was for formal directions from the DPP and for the book of evidence to be prepared.

Judge Mitchell ordered the youth to appear again at Dundalk District Court on September 26th next.

He also told the teenager, who was accompanied to court by relatives, that he must be fully aware of the conditions of bail and “the requirements of where to go and not to go”.

The accused, dressed in blue jeans and a polo shirt, said “thank you judge” as the case was adjourned.

Student Cameron Reilly was last seen alive near Ardee Road, Dunleer at approximately 12.30am on May 26th. His body was found in a field just outside the town by a dog walker the following morning.